CST is a gentle method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system. A soft touch is applied to find areas in the body that aren't moving well and encourages the body to release restrictions in and around the craniosacral system. CST complements the body's intrinsic healing processes, harmonizing with the body’s natural movements. Restrictions in the system can compromise the function of the central nervous system, and thus the affect all other systems in the body. CST is effective for a wide range of issues associated with pain and dysfunction and can be used as a preventive measure for its ability to bolster the immune system. This gentle release of chronic tension within the body can facilitate changes in both physical and emotional well-being.
"The foundation of what we do is deeply rooted in anatomy and physiology. It is osteopathic manual therapy. Because the work is so gentle people may feel that we are working mostly from an energetic perspective. I feel that we all go beyond the skin. We are always incorporating an awareness of that into our work. However, we are dong way more than putting our hands on people and thinking good thoughts." - CAROL GRAY, LMT, CST
The Craniosacral System is comprised of the membranes (the Dural Tube) and fluid (Cerebrospinal Fluid) that surrounds, protects, nourishes, and cleans the brain and spinal cord. The membranes are attached to the fascial system, which is a network of contiguous soft connective tissue that is envelops every bone, muscle and organ, and thus is interconnected with the entire body. Restrictions or blockages in the Craniosacral System can negatively affect how the nervous and motor systems function, showing up as pain or dysfunction in the body. CST is used to identify the location of disturbances and resolve restrictions in the craniosacral and fascia systems.
The Craniosacral Rhythm is created as the cerebrospinal fluid ebbs and flows, its pulse can be felt in the subtle movement of the bones in the cranium and other structures of the body. The pulse of the craniosacral is palpated at different points in the body to assess any restrictions or limitations in the craniosacral system.
In a session with your infant the touch is light and gentle, moving your baby in careful, gentle ways, while listening to their body. Their head and sacrum are listened to, and all bones and body parts felt gently, including the mouth to assess the palate and suction. Restricted fascia patterns and muscles are released. Infants can receive CST while they are held in their caregiver's arms or laying on the padded table. They can also receive while feeding and sleeping.
In sessions with toddlers and children I work with them wherever they are most comfortable. That might be in your arms, on the padded table, or on the floor where they can play with toys. They don't need to hold still - I move with them using a gentle and light touch to palpate their craniosacral rhythm and use gentle techniques to assess and release restrictions. Parents are always present for the session.
For adults, during your session you will lay fully clothed on a massage table while light pressure is applied to various areas of your body. Most people report feeling deeply relaxed during a session. At times a client may recall memories, may see images or colors, or may fall asleep. Others will experience body awareness and sensations, such as tingling, hot/cold, pins & needles, pulsations, a stretching of tissues, increased circulation, or increased energy flow. Some people express emotional release through vocalization, movement, or through laughter and tears. Experiences tend to vary from session to session.
Because everybody is unique, the results vary as well. For some, changes are noticed immediately after the session, while for others, shifts develop gradually over the next few days. Some clients report feeling very relaxed or feeling “spacey” while others feel super energized. Some clients notice physical changes such as reduced pain or increased range of motion. Since CST works with the body’s natural ability to heal, it's common for your improvements to continue weeks after the session. Some people experience a “reorganization phase” as the body releases old patterns may experience a worsening of symptoms. This does not indicate failure of treatment but in fact is usually the opposite, with symptoms normally disappearing within 2 – 3 days after a session. Experiencing discomfort after a session can also occur when one part of the body releases long held tension and other areas of tension in the body demand attention.
Infants and napping toddlers often eat more and sleep longer stretches following a session, though some may be more awake or irritable as they integrate their CST session. Most children find the sessions to be relaxing. Caregivers often see changes in their children such as improvements in eating, sleeping, attention span, social interaction, and functional abilities such as balance, eye-hand coordination and gait.
CST is a safe, non-invasive approach. However, CST is not advised for those with certain conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure would cause instability such as acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or other preexisting severe bleeding disorders. It is not contra-indicated with any medications.
Response to CST varies because every body is unique, with different patterns, restrictions, health concerns, goals, and healing responses. Some persons may find relief after one session, and for others it may take several sessions to release more complex, or chronic patterns. Many people schedule “maintenance” visits on a regular basis to manage a longstanding condition, or as preventative self-care, ranging from bi-weekly to bi-yearly.
For adults, I recommend 50 minutes for the first session. Follow up sessions can be 50 to 110 minutes, depending on your preferences and goals.
For children, the initial session will be 50 minutes. Follow up sessions can be 25 to 50 minutes depending on how the child responds to treatment.
Masks are no longer required. I will wear a mask in the treatment room or at your home. There is a HEPA filter running in the waiting room and in my treatment room. (updated: Oct. 2023)
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